Berkeley Rose Waldorf School: New Moms' Mothering Circle
New moms and those who are expecting need tender care and support. Our Mothering Circle is a support circle for expectant and new mothers and their babies ages 0 to 12 months, where self care and nurturing extend to mothers, while lullabies and thoughtful games are brought for enjoyment of your time with your child. Snacks, tea and time for topics relevant to new parenting are discussed. Community and friendship are cultivated. Occasional wise women, experts on topics relevant to being a new parent, visit the group to discuss matters such as: changing relationships, feeding support, nutrition for baby and the whole family, various approaches to education, pelvic health, body image, and more.
The group meets on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30 to 5pm at Berkeley Rose Waldorf School, now relocated to our forever home in the Piedmont Avenue neighborhood of Oakland. The group begins February 19, though pro-rated enrollment in the group is possible beyond this start date.