Bay Area RPG: Dungeons and Dragons Summer Camps

Summer & Holiday Camps Now Enrolling
East Bay
School-Aged, Preteens, Teens

Join us this summer for a week of Dungeons and Dragons adventure! This year are offering a host of D&D camps for teens and kids this year, primarily hosting at North Oakland but with some offerings in Berkeley as well. 

D&D is a creative game of fantasy and high adventure that strengthens the imagination and collaborative skills of its players. Players take on the role of a fantastical character of their own devising and create sprawling adventures under the guidance of a dungeon master. Our dungeon masters bring years of professional theater training and experience into their games, calling on their creative backgrounds to create immersive environments that are fertile ground for imaginative play. We provide all materials required for play and welcome players of all experience levels. At the end of each session our dungeon masters will provide a written summary of the day’s journey so you can experience the adventure as it unfolds throughout the week. To find out more and to register check out our ActivityHero page:

Feel free to contact us directly with any questions you might have!

Teddy Hulsker
bayarearpg [at]